Friday 11 August 2017

Homeless Squat Eviction in Bristol

by Kevin 'B'
AT 2.30pm today (Friday 11th, August 2017),. I was on my way to Bristol Central Library and noticed a large crowd of people watching an Eviction.
The Police where there in Riot  Gear and lots of private Bailiffs with battering rams, night goggles to examine dark areas of the building etc..
'The Music Shop' on College Green closed a good while ago and has been discretely squatted.
The crowd which was mainly young students did not protest they just passively watched from the other side of the road.
I said to one group of students that don't you think its wrong to treat evicting homeless people as a public spectacle?
Homelessness is getting worse in Bristol because accommodation is expensive to rent. Social Housing is scarce.
Its not unusual for me to see 3 or 4 people sleeping on College Green during the daytime as its safer for them to do so. Safer than rough sleeping at night. 

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